Here’s the thing. Volleyball players stink.
Not in the lost in 2 games kind of way but in the how can knee pads and vb shoes smell this bad kind of way.
When you play hard, sweat and body odors come in to play, hard. Don’t settle for these unforgettable and unwanted smells as part of the game.
Finally! You can do something about it with a solution that actually works!
Introducing Rank Spray
Stop wasting your time and money with Sneaker Balls and scented fragrances that only mask the odor and harmful chemicals like bleach that don’t work and are harmful on the skin.
Rank Spray is an effective ALL NATURAL odor eliminator that works INSTANTLY.
Don’t just take our word for it. See what happened when VB players tried it for the first time.
Rank Spray is powered by OAM technology — there is nothing like this on the market.
RANK Spray is scientifically formulated by a seasoned chemical engineer who was on the Febreeze development team years ago. He saw what harmful chemicals touching your skin and entering your lungs can do and knew he could make a safe product that actually kills the odors. It’s this OAM Technology that eliminates odors instead of masking them.
You shouldn't have to settle for toxic options and you shouldn't have to smell when being active. Rank Spray is truly a refreshing solution.
Leave the stink on the court
Game, Set, Stink No More.
Get fresh with the new smell of victory
Get Rank Spray today!
#rankspray #rankthat